Herpes is a sickness like a cold. I won't say in which it consists, I will just say how to kill it.
So generally, everything can be killed in mind. You attract it . At the beginning it can be fairly difficult and you may encounter your life with no escape. But if you flow according to nature, you will find an escape even if it is the death itself.
Talk to your cells. Speak with them, my mom would say. There are other techniques like sound treatment, the ohm sound, etc.
You may lose the first battles but after you mount the horse, you will take control of the illness. You have to know your own body. Get natural nutrients. Be healthy. Make love with women. That will strengthen your inmune system.
Be less stressed and relaxed. Those are the secrets. Be quiet. After some months or even years (because it takes time) you will notice a big improvement and quite less recurrences.
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