Being in another country is awesome. When someone is inserted in a new group of people form different race, by nature, the foreigner gains attention of the existing crow.
That happened to me once. I was in the middle of polish girls and guys. I was the strange one. Of course everybody was on their own environment and games. It was pot game reunion.
I was treated very well by everybody. Unfortunately, my ego and esteem was to the floor since my heart was recently heartbroken at that time. Moreover I tried not to focus and that and enjoy the moment to be surrounded by 50 polish persons. It´s awesome being the only foreigner special guy.
My social skills were not the best but I had nothing to lose anyway, I was in a foreign country and nothing to lose. So I started to be talkative, myself, a bit crazy. At the end of the night, with a lots of alcohol and women (because in there you have the possibility to get close to the beauties) I started to talk with the one of the most beautiful women from the place. Blondie, good ass, it was younger than me. Great yellow hair falling over here very woman figure over her back.
We were talking about ancient Mexico, culture, problems in cities, migration. Suddenly my crush at that time appeared but with her boyfriend. They wanted to get in into the conversation but it was only a 2 way conversation. I was mad with her and actually I wanted to get her away cuz I was enjoying my time with the blondie. We were stood alone in the kitchen for hours cuz the party was in a polish house.
After that, free drinks were served. They consisted in vodka basically with many flavours and a mixture of many other flavored beverages.
I was starting to gain attention from women, cuz I started to talk with many of them. There were many women alone coming from various places from europe, including german and hugarian women. The guys from there were not really interested in there, they were just grouped together playing pot games.
I took advantage about that and all women were for me. I was the center of attention. Specially, there was 1 or 2 that I was interested about but they had already boyfriend.
Anyway, I had pretty god time. After I got a bit drunk, I went up to the sleeping room and felt asleep.
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